Amani Lewis (Born–2024)

“A goal of mine is to make room to receive and to give more love. Sometimes to do that, you have to release trauma or pain. Looking inward, acknowledging that which is inside of you, and letting it go is an important practice, and a practice I had to exercise while making this body of work.”

Amani Lewis


Selected publications

Selected Press

  • Financial Times

    Meet the art world’s glitterati

    November 23, 2022
  • Konbini

    Dans ses œuvres sensibles, Amani Lewis reprend le pouvoir sur le discours dominant

    November 16, 2022
  • Elle Decoration España

    Agenda Apretada

    November 1, 2022
  • Ocula

    Amani Lewis Brings Portraits to Paris

    October 17, 2022