Karin Schneider 


    • Karin Schneider: Situational Diagram
    • Dominique Lévy, New York
      September 7 - October 20, 2016
    • Karin Schneider: Situational Diagram (2016) was an exhibition at Dominique Lévy, New York, by Brazil-born, New York-based artist and filmmaker Karin Schneider. The exhibition evolved from a series of monochrome paintings evoking postwar artists Barnett Newman, Ad Reinhardt, and Mark Rothko. Schneider made these paintings with Mars black pigment mixed with cobalt blue, cadmium yellow, cadmium red, and phthalo emerald. Schneider also blended derivatives of petroleum and coal (two primary energy sources) with the black pigment.

      The gallery installed 16 black monochrome pai...

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